school visits
I do fewer school visits in person than I used to do, but have been doing schools visits by Skype recently.
Skype visits
I have started doing Skype visits with schools in the UK and US. Use the Contact page to get in touch if you would like one of these.
I charge £50 in the UK +VAT and $75 dollars for a US school Skype visit of up to an hour.
Speaking to you today was a fantastic opportunity and really bought your work to life for them. As they are very young it was brilliant to help them make the connection between a book and the fact that somebody has put a huge amount of thought into writing it. I think it really will be one of those memorable school days for them.
Claire Cook, Teacher, Leicester, UK

There's nothing like bringing a book to life by having the actual author read it aloud! Thank you SO much for bringing Grace's character all the way to Shugart Elementary School. There is quite a distance between Oxfordshire, England and Garland, Texas, but thanks to the wonders of Skype, my 3rd grade students were able to enjoy hearing you share your masterpiece in your own voice. We are so thankful that you agreed to try this video-conferencing experiment with us, and I know that our children will never forget the experience. I also know that our librarian has it on her to-do list to order more Grace books!
Allison Trujillo, Teacher, Texas
Real school visits
I do very few visits to Primary schools these days because, now that I am writing longer novels, involving lots of research, I find it harder to be pulled away from what I’m doing and to spend time preparing, travelling to and adjusting back from doing such visits. If you are reading my books with your class, you may find my picture book extras useful.
I do still do visits to talk to teenagers but prefer to work with groups who already know my books, for the reasons given above. If you are reading my books with your students, you may find my fiction extras useful.
Bear in mind that I live in West Oxfordshire and if your school is a long way away, I will need to stay overnight. You can contact me by email.
I charge whatever the Society of Authors’ current recommended rate is + expenses + VAT. The SoA has a really useful set of recommendations drawn up for an author visit, which you might like to see, even if you are inviting someone else.